The Fund Seeks to Add Value Through Diversification

  1. Source: Pitch Book 2023, Private Equity/Buyout Firms in USA by AUM

  2. Vintage - The year in which a fund is formed and/or the year its first takedown of investment capital is committed. Having a vintage year for a fund is useful

Access to the Largest Managers in Private Equity

(9 as of 11/30/2024)
PE Funds Invested
(21 Funds as of 11/30/2024)
Style Experience Vintages
apollo logoApollo Hybrid Value Fund, Apollo Fund X*Special Situations Equity & Debt Investments, Buyout & Controlling InterestFounded: 1990 AUM: $733B2018, 2022
Bain CapitalBain Capital Special Situations AsiaSpecial Situations Equity & Debt InvestmentsFounded: 1984 AUM: $185B2018
BlackstoneBlackstone Capital Partners VIII, Blackstone Capital Partners IX*Buyout and Controlling InterestFounded: 1985 AUM: $1.1T2020, 2022
CarlyleCarlyle Direct Alternative Opportunities Fund II, Carlyle Partners VIIIBuyout and Controlling InterestFounded: 1987 AUM: $447B2021
Hellman & FriedmanHellman & Friedman Fund XI*Buyout and Controlling InterestFounded: 1984 AUM: $120B2022
kkr logoNorth America Fund XI, XII, XIII, European Fund V, Asian Fund IIIBuyout and Controlling InterestFounded: 1976 AUM: $624B2012, 2017, 2018, 2021
Silver LakeSilver Lake Alpine Partners II, Silver Lake Partners VII*Non-Controlling Equity Investments, Buyout & Controlling InterestFounded: 1999 AUM: $103B2021, 2022
WarburgPincus logoWarburg Pincus Global Growth, Warburg Pincus Global Growth 14Buyout and Controlling InterestFounded: 1966 AUM: $90B2018
tpg logoTPG Partners VIII, TPG Health Care Partners, TPG Partners IX*Buyout and Controlling InterestFounded: 1992 AUM: $239B2018, 2022

Click here to view Fund Holdings

AUM refers to Assets Under Management of each Private Equity Firm. This document does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities of the private equity firms presented here.
* Denotes that PEF has been accepted into the Private Equity Fund by 03/31/2024. The underlying fund has not called capital yet.
1 Vintage refers to the milestone year in which the first influx of investment capital is delivered to a project or company.

Diversified Fund Selection

The Fund selection is diversified across more than 350 portfolio companies and
investments from a variety of sectors and geographic locations

As of 9/30/2024


Data as of 09/30/2024, the most recently available data. Global stocks represented by MSCI All-Country World Index. Domestic stocks represented by Standard and Poor’s 500 index. Fixed Income represented by Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate Index. Private Equity is represented by Cambridge U.S. Private Equity Index. There is no assurance these opinions or forecasts will come to pass. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.